(Blog 8) Staying Focused

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(Continued from our last post…)

Drawing of black dragon with lavender wings

Original drawing for Wing Tales Dragon by Chatty Dragon Creator, Nora

At Wing Tails Sticker Studio, Spyder, Calisto, and Lima met around a drafting table brainstorming and planning out what needed to happen before the grand opening. Though the machines were running, the walls still carried the faint scent of the musty air from the day Spyder found the place.

Spyder’s facial expression was speaking for him and Calisto was concerned and a little annoyed to ask what was going through his mind.

Calisto: “Say it. Just get it out. Your face says it all. You’re still mulling over Pip not having called you, right?”

Spyder: “ Well yeah. I mean he should have called by now. You don’t know him like I do. I know he can be flaky but I didn’t want to risk our friendship over this. Pip’s the kind of dragon that can talk to anyone and make them feel right at home and he’s good with machines. He would be the perfect go between marketing and production.”

Calisto(leaning forward in a less aggravated voice) “Spyder, you can’t force Pip to want to be here. He’ll come around if he wants to, but it’s out of your control. (changing to an assertive tone) Right now, you’ve got two dragons here who are ready to work. Let’s focus on what we CAN control.

Spyder knew Calisto was right. She always had a way of bringing things back down to earth and was great at setting things straight while remaining an encourager. He’d overlooked what was right in front of him stuck on what he thought he was missing.

Lima interrupted their conversation hoping to calm the tension. “Um, I cleaned out the small cutter yesterday and ran a few test prints. They looked okay, but the colors were... kind of dull.”

Calisto held up several test stickers and compared them side by side, “Probably the ink. We need higher-quality pigments. Spyder, can you track that down? Maybe we can use a local business. I know there’s a place 2 blocks from here that may have something. Might be a little more expensive, but it could be a good partnership. Lima, keep calibrating and testing in the meantime. We can’t afford to have anything less than perfect on opening day.”

Spyder(scribbling notes) “Got it. Where are we with branding?”

Calisto(spreading out some sketches) “I’ve been working on logo designs. We want something bold but still charming. This one’s my favorite.”

Dragon logo for Wing Tails Sticker Studio

Logo by Amanda created from Nora’s drawing.

Lima(leaning over to look, eyes wide) “Oh, I love that one! Calisto, you did great!”

Until now, the small team had worked so hard cleaning out the old factory and tinkering with machines, but with the logo for Wing Tales Sticker Studio finalized, their shared dream shifted from an abstract idea to something tangible. Opening Day was on the horizon and it carried hopes and fears in equal measure. This wasn’t just a project between friends anymore. It was their chance to introduce something magical to the world. And yet, in the shadows of their excitement, the responsibility of everything that was still left to be done felt unachievable within time.

To be continued… New posts each Friday. Subscribe below to follow the dragons. Read the beginning of it all at Blog 1: New Adventure Awaits.


(Blog 9) Unexpected Inspection


(Blog 7) Pip’s Decision